"All I can do is be me, whoever that is"

About Me

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I am a lot of things, sometimes it drives me insane,and I think too much, but at the end of the day I am happy with who I am. I spend most of my time trying to understand this life, creating the person I would like to be, and learning. I always appreciate the little things, and I try to be better than, and to make better, the bad things.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Only You

How come men can just be painfully unromantic sometimes? It's like failing a test you already have the answers to. They watch the movies with the men saying exactly what we want to hear, is that so difficult to pick up on? I'm sure they call it cheesy and dismiss it, but cheesiness, when sincere, is exactly what we want. Men always seem to think women are so difficult, and we're really not. I argue they are just super unaware of the situation. Don't listen to the words we are saying, that should be easy enough. The hard part is learning the language of the nonverbal. Everyone should be a nonverbal linguist, it would help in every situation with reading men and women, boss's and friends. Anyway, I know movies totally screw up romance, but movies screw up everything in reality. It is not the media that reflects reality, it is reality that often mirrors the media. So make that romance reality. Not the drama, let's have roadblocks, and break up and get back together constantly. I mean saying cute things, leaving notes, and flowers and such. And I mean romance goes both ways. Girls should do equally cute things for their men. Kindness should be universal. My point is I'm not settling for a life without romance and passion, yes the media screws it up, but lets make it real. I know I am lucky and have a lot more romance then most women do, But let's do sweet things for each other all the time without being asked. Let's remind each other what it is like to feel totally in love everyday.

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