Hello summer!..not the weather yet (Stupid Colorado) lol. I can't believe you're here! That wonderful time of year! Ice tea, trips, staying in the same outfit days at a time, swimming, Popsicles, picnics, tag, so many lovely things!
The end of the semester wrapped up quite well, I can confirm this when I see my grades. lol. I really enjoy school, I hope I always love it and don't get burnt out! As excited as I am to graduate I am glad I still have two more years. There is really nothing else I'd rather be doing than going to school! I'm sure getting married, getting a real job and all that jazz will be fun, but I am in no rush! I'm still trying to make peace with my education choices, but I keep telling myself I can always go back to school.
Lately I am getting along with someone I recently could not stand and I couldn't be happier about it! I hate being on bad terms, so it was nice to turn that around. Someone I used to think belittled me and judged me I now know respects me and it is very nice considering this person could possible be around a long time.
Also the last few months I have felt real jealousy for the first time. I learned that the littlest bit of doubt crawls into our heads, feeds off our insecurities and grows into paranoia. It does not look good on anyone and makes everyone crazy! I never want to feel it or act that way again.
I am also very proud of how organized I am becoming (still have a long way to go, but have come a long way.) I recently re-oranized all of my scrapbooking stuff and that was a blast and a half! My hobbies always seem to be messy, but I have a better system for putting it away now. I can't believe I have 12 scrapbooks! I'm so young, what am I going to do with them all? lol. But I absolutely love it and plan to catch up this summer.
In 15 days I will be underneath a laser to make my life soo much simpler! I watched a video of it ...bad idea! haha. So I am a little more freaked out, but I know it will be worth it!
I'm really enjoying the book I'm reading and am also excited for the two upcoming on my list.
Basically this blog is a bunch of blah and I'm excited for summer!
I could never even think of getting laser surgery. Someone cutting into my eyes. It gives me the shivers. I'm very funny about things that have to do with the eyes. Patrick will tell you how silly I get it. I can hardly write this without shivering and being grossed out. Good luck with the procedure. Patrick had it done (before I knew him) and he said he's glad he did it but isn't sure if he would do it again.
ReplyDeleteHow far are you in the book?