First I wanted to say I had a blast put put golfing! Adventure golf is Shweet!
Next on a quick note I had to publicly say goodbye to Lost, my favorite show. It took me on such an amazing journey and ended just beautifully.
Last May my dog (which naturally I believe was the greatest dog in the world, lol) died of heart cancer. In her memory we planted a Bleeding Heart plant, which only seemed fitting. Exactly a year later it is blooming magnificently and the flowers, which look like little hearts, are so neat. I would recommend planting one, ours is thriving.
I had the perfect day yesterday! It was a beautiful day and I did lots of fun things, including Casa Bonita! That place is soo cool and I think the food has improved since my childhood. I'm loving having a pool! Sitting by it and reading is just perfect. Oh and I have become a little obsessed with wii fit... I hereby announce June the 5th (yesterday) forever more, as the day I conquered much of wii fit's games (on beginner). The sunset was awesome, the lightning was absolute gorgeous at night, just a wonderful day. The world is beautiful if you let it be.
I've been painting a lot lately. I enjoy it so much. It's not about the final product, or who you show, it's about the process. Next to a bubble bath, Jack Johnson, and a cup of tea, nothing is more relaxing then a brush stroke on a canvas.
The house is officially out of my life in less than two weeks. It's been hard, but change is good, and since it has been slow I'm a little more ready for it. I know I am because I say "the house", instead of my home. I've been spending time putting all of our stuff into boxes. It's really nice getting rid of things, of crap, and trying to get down to the necessities. I've never done it before since we never moved when I was growing up, but it should be done often. We all get too attached to things. I love the backpack metaphor: Imagine everything you own being put in a backpack, then always carrying that around. Getting rid of stuff is a weight off our shoulders.
Sorry to hear that you're having to let go of that beautiful, big, yellow house on Newton. Are you going to transplant your beautiful bleeding heart plant to a big pot or new location? Tell your brothers hello!